Use the brokerage calculator below to calculate brokerage and profit for different kinds of services offered by the brokerage firm Indianivesh Securities M . To find the best stock broker with low brokerage rates, we need to compare all the brokerage charges involved in the trades.
This brokerage calculator covers many kinds of asset classes such as,
To use the Indianivesh Securities M Brokerage Calculator , provide the inputs like buy price, sell price, total shares (or the number of lots and lot size), and then click on Calculate button.
After you click on the Calculate button, you will get a comprehensive and detailed report on different charges associated with your investment.
The brokerage report contains details like Total Turnover, Brokerage, STT, Sebi Turnover Fees, Stamp Duty, Transaction Charges, GST, Total Brokerage and Tax, and Total Profit Loss.
Total Turnover | - |
Brokerage | - |
STT | - |
SEBI Turnover Fees | - |
Stamp Duty | - |
Transaction Charges | - |
GST | - |
Total Brokerage | - |
Total Profit Or Loss | - |